null meets are free for anyone to attend. There are absolutely no fees. Just come with an open mind and willingness to share and learn.

Proposed sessions for this event:

  • DDoS using various protocols by Arul Selva Lakshmi
  • Android App pentesting using SDK and proxies by PradeepKumar P
  • Pentesting million lines of code by Lavakumar Kuppan
  • CSRF by adarsh
  • Newsbytes by Hariessh Kumar B
Note: The session details including schedule are available below.

Dear All,

Meet are open to all. The best part of it its Free.

Date Saturday April 18 2015
Chapter Chennai
Registrations 39
Max Registrations Unlimited
Event Type Open to Everybody
Start Time 03:00 PM
End Time 05:30 PM

Session Schedule

Name Speaker Start Time End Time Resources
DDoS using various protocols Arul Selva Lakshmi 03:00 PM 03:30 PM
Android App pentesting using SDK and proxies PradeepKumar P 03:30 PM 04:00 PM
Pentesting million lines of code Lavakumar Kuppan 04:00 PM 04:30 PM
CSRF adarsh 04:30 PM 05:00 PM
Newsbytes Hariessh Kumar B 05:00 PM 05:30 PM


Ascendas International Tech Park
Zenith - 9th Floor, Tharamani Road,
Taramani, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600113