
This talk aims to provide security engineers with an introduction to the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA) and its implications for privacy. The talk will cover key concepts and requirements of the DPDPA, as well as its impact on cybersecurity practices. Attendees will gain a better understanding of how the DPDPA relates to their work and what is expected of it.



I am all ears for:

Application Security | Data Security & Privacy | PCI DSS 4.0 | DPDPA | B2B Sales | Content Marketing | Movement | Longevity | Physiology | Psychology | Life Experiences

I have a strong understanding of security tools, specifically in web application security. Currently, my team and I are building Domdog, to make client-side security easy and accessible to everyone.

I started my journey in cybersecurity in 2009 and contributed to Ironwasp in 2014. Later, I joined Ironwasp and focused on developing efficient web application scanning solutions, conducting research, and analyzing competing technologies.

As a co-founder of Domdog, I am focused on growth and exploring various avenues within the cybersecurity industry.

In my personal life, I prioritize mental and physical health. I am proud of achievements such as deadlifting(150kgs), squatting(100kgs), bench pressing(85kgs), solo riding(60,000+ kms), hitchhiking in India(2000+kms), paragliding(100+ flights), and longboarding(tore a ACL).


Starts at Saturday December 09 2023, 01:30 PM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.
