
Red Team : Recon, Escalate and Persistence
Blue Team : Detect, Mitigate, Prevent

In this talk, the speaker will be covering the modern active directory attacks and how to detect and protect them in our infra and IT environment.

In the current times, Active Directory (AD) admins all over the globe are facing attacks with full force. The most dangerous are the ones that are persistent .

The cybersecurity news everyday shows breached organisations and government agencies with only a very small detail about the attack vectors and methods used in compromising the AD that allow the attackers to maintain administrative access.

This talk explores the active directory attack vectors that can help the pentesters in security audits and pentests.


Vanshit Malhotra

Cyber Security Speaker | Consultant | Researcher | Trainer | Instructor | Mentor |


Starts at Sunday May 17 2020, 04:00 PM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.
