
What is SPI and I2C?
How does it work, and what is it useful for?
Is it better to use I2C or SPI for data communication?
How to read/write data in SPI/I2C chip using bus pirate?
Sniff data using logic analyzer
Using CH341a to read EEPROM memory
Why is it important for you to identify SPI/I2C memory for hardware exploitation?


Mohammed Pota

I am Mohammed Pota, a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from Mumbai University.
I am a DIY person, a hobbyist electronics. I like exploring electronics projects, new technologies and have worked with affordable and less invasive healthcare solutions. I try to provide solutions to healthcare problems through Technological Innovation. I am well known with 3D modeling, 3D printing, Arduino, sensor interfacing.


Starts at Saturday December 10 2016, 10:10 AM. The sessions runs for about 1 hour.
