
What are we going to cover

  1. How to get started using AWS, GCP and Azure
  2. How to setup a Virtual Machine once our accounts are setup
    • Please note We will be setting up Linux Virtual Machines
  3. Using the Virtual Machine

How to get setup with AWS, GCP and Azure

  1. We will setup an account with AWS
  2. We will setup an account with GCP
  3. We will setup an account with Azure
  4. Once the accounts are setup we will do the following
    1. Create a new Virtual Machine
    2. Using the control panel provided
    3. Using CLI tools
    4. Setup SSH access so that we can use our interception proxy through the new server that is setup
    5. Setup openvpn so that we can use tools like Nessus (in our local LAN) through the new server that is setup
    6. Install software
    7. Using Ansible
    8. Using Docker
  5. We will cover MySQL Alternatives like RDS
  6. Demo of Packer tool
  7. Configure Elastic IP
  8. Learn about Block storage
    • Mount storage
    • Copy data to storage
  9. Create a new virtual machine and setup Kali tools on that


Akash Mahajan

Co-Founder @AppseccoUK | Community Manager @null0x00 | Writer - Burp Suite Essentials, Security Automation with Ansible2


Starts at Saturday October 01 2016, 09:00 AM. The sessions runs for about 4 hours.
